If submitting a service request after hours or on the weekend, please note it is best to call.

The Benefits of Preventative Maintenance on Your AC

When it comes to most things in life, it’s better to put in the work earlier rather than work on fixing them later. Your air conditioner is the same. It’s better to prevent problems so that you don’t have to fix them later on, and there are more than a few reasons why.

Increase Your AC’s Efficiency

If your AC is running inefficiently and you don’t know it until something actually breaks, you’ll pay for it — literally. Whether there’s a small problem or something bigger that just goes unnoticed, an inefficient AC drives up your energy bills because it has to work harder to keep you comfortable. If you pay a little bit for air conditioner maintenance service twice a year, your AC stays efficient year-round and reduces your energy bills.

Save on Repair Costs

Everyone who has had to pay for AC repairs knows that they aren’t cheap. With preventative maintenance, the technician will spot small issues and fix them before they become big, costly repairs. It’s far less expensive to invest a little in maintenance than it is to pay for major repairs every time something goes wrong.

Ensure Comfort

There’s nothing worse than an unexpected breakdown in the heat of summer, especially in Texas. Preventative maintenance actually reduces the likelihood of unexpected AC problems by making sure your system is ready for major changes in temperature and running as it should. Making sure your home stays comfortable no matter how hot it is outside is as simple as making an AC maintenance plan with your HVAC company.

Improve Air Quality

During regular maintenance, a quality HVAC technician will clean any debris from your system, whether that means removing leaves from the outdoor unit or dust from the indoor unit. When you have your AC serviced regularly, it keeps dirt, dust and other pollutants from circulating through your home and being breathed in. AC maintenance is good for your health as well as your air conditioner.

Increase Your System’s Lifespan

Regular maintenance is a great way to prevent problems with your AC, but did you know that doing this can actually extend the life of the system? An air conditioner that’s kept in great shape throughout its life is more likely to keep running efficiently for longer. This is not only great for your home but for your wallet as well!

If you need Austin air conditioner maintenance, Champion AC & Plumbing is the company you can rely on to keep your system running at its best. We also offer financing plans to save you money and help you remember to schedule tune-ups.

Contact us today for more information or to schedule an AC tune-up.