No matter what type of crazy weather Texas has planned this summer, it may seem difficult to control your sinuses. If you seem to be experiencing more allergies, asthma, or respiratory issues this season then it could be due to the indoor air quality of your home. Champion AC & Plumbing offers the Air Scrubber Plus: an indoor air quality solution that goes a step above standard purifiers by trapping and killing practically all pollutants in your home. Learn more about the Air Scrubber below.
How it Works
The Air Scrubber Plus, created by NASA engineers, is a UV light that is installed into your home’s duct system. Inside the light, there is a filter that all of the air, whether hot or cold, passes through before exiting the air ducts. The UV light acts as a germicide and kills any contaminants in its path by oxidizing them before they enter your home. Once they are oxidized and distributed throughout your home, they continue to destroy airborne and surface pathogens along the way.
Reduce Contaminants
Every day you breathe 3,400 gallons of air and spend 90% of it indoors, so it’s vitally important for your health to have a good home indoor air quality. People bring germs and other contaminants into their homes whether it is from their hands, clothing, shoes, or any outside items. These germs are transferred to all surfaces of your home and even into your air. The Air Scrubber uses a technology known as ActivePure which is known to kill 99% of all surface contaminants and purifies your air of 90% of airborne contaminants. This advanced ActivePure technology has been proven to fight against E. Coli, Swine Flu, Strep, Hepatitis, and even COVID-19.
Banishing Unwanted Odors & Dust
If there are any lingering odors that occur in your home from burnt food, pesky pet odor, smoking, or musty smells, the Air Scrubber can help purify the air. It can also minimize dust and pet dander significantly throughout your home.
Stand up to Allergies
If you suffer from seasonal allergies then you know how frustrating dust, mold, pollen, and other pollutants can be when they cause watery eyes, sneezing, and even a lack of sleep. The Air Scrubber purifies the air and reduces particles in your home that can make staying inside just as miserable as the summer heat.
Make the HVAC Count
Not only does the Air Scrubber help you stay healthy, but it can also extend the life of your air conditioning system. Since the Air Scrubber traps dirt, dust, and debris before it even enters the filter then those pollutants never have the opportunity to even damage the coils and blower on your system.
The Air Scrubber can significantly increase the quality of your home and your life, so contact Champion AC & Plumbing to get started.