One of the most common questions we hear is, “What size AC unit do I actually need?” This is a very good question because the answer varies depending on your home’s needs. A professional AC company will help engineer the perfect size AC system for you, but you may want to get an idea for yourself. Here are a few guidelines you can follow when choosing the right size for your HVAC unit.
What Are My Options?
First things first, what sizes do AC units come in? Most central air conditioners come in a variety of sizes, and are measured by how fast they can cool in a unit called “tons.” Home air conditioners can range from 1.5-5 tons. Anything over five tons is not intended for residential use. If your home needs more than five tons, you’ll have to install two three-ton units.
What If I Don’t Get the Right Size?
Installing the right size air conditioning unit matters. With AC, bigger is not always better. Electricity isn’t cheap, and energy conservation is more important than ever. You want to make sure your AC unit is working to save you money, not drive up your utility bill. A unit that’s too big will cool your home fast and then shut off, leaving a large amount of time for heat to creep back in. A unit that’s too small will be constantly trying to catch up to your preferred temperature. It’s important to get the size right.
Calculating Your AC Size
You can calculate the exact size of the AC unit you need by using this equation:
((House square footage times 30, divided by 12,000) – 1.0) = Required Tonnage.
For hotter climates, subtract 0 instead of -1.
This, of course, should all be verified with an HVAC repairman beforehand to ensure you’re getting the best fit for your home. Contact us today at Champion AC & Plumbing for a free estimate.